Monday, May 12, 2008

Advertising Strategies

Remember your first job? I can recall mine like it was yesterday. A close friend back in high school had asked me to come assist him at the opening of his father's new restaurant. It was a Chinese take-out and delivery joint. No problem! I was all too happy to lend my buddy a hand. However, upon my arrival, I was greeted by his less than calm father. He nudged me over to a chair and told me "Wait! Many deliveries might come. You deliver." I was dumbfounded. No way! All the sudden I'm the delivery guy? I thought I was just coming by to help move some heavy kitchen supplies or help hang a sign. I never planned on delivering food. Anyway, that's how it all began. Before I knew it, I was racing around town with orders of Chinese food and helping my buddy come up with advertising strategies to increase business.

Do you want to hear the best of the several advertising strategies I came up with? Okay, so maybe I didn't exactly invent the concept, but I did do a great deal of leg work. This is how it goes. You design flyers for the business. On our flyers we advertised the Chinese restaurant, where it was located, the hours of operation, and then several meal specials. This is what advertising strategies are all about. KNOWLEDGE! People need to know what's up if you plan to acquire their business. And then you take it to the next step. This is where I put in all the footwork. You drive all over town, hitting up every neighborhood and apartment complex, and hang or post the flyers on doors. This way when the resident returns home, it's the first thing they'll see. They'll snag it and take a look. The rest is up to them. In our case, if they loved Chinese food, they'd call. And a lot of people did. Now remember, the specials were the KEY ingredient. Everyone wants a deal. Who has the best one? We're all always searching for this.

When it comes to advertising strategies, there are plenty to test and play around with. You can get an idea from the ads you watch daily on television. There are infinite advertising strategies at work in those. Some stick out as awesome and creative, and others make you go HUH? Basically, there is no limit to the advertising game. What do you have up your sleeve?

Advertising Brands

If you don’t have a business degree, there is probably a lot you don’t understand about what is going on when you see a commercial or a name brand. Did you know that there are people out there who have a job that does nothing more than promote the brand of a certain product? Many larger companies have this position, and they know that advertising brands is an essential part of keeping a business new and vital, but at the same time familiar.

When advertising brands, a company is burning their logo or name into your mind. They are constantly trying to get their image in your brain. That way, when you need something, you are more likely to think of them first. If someone has done a good job advertising brands, they have imprinted an image in your mind that remains. If the company makes laundry detergent, they are trying to make sure that the next time you go into a store you will think of their brand first and that is what you are going to buy. If the company makes fast food, they want to be the sign you are looking for along the highway when you are hungry, or the place you drive though late at night when you get the munchies.

Sometimes, advertising brands is easy, and other times it is hard. You may think of brands like McDonalds or Tide first when you think of some of the most successful brands. Others like Pepsi or Coke also come to mind. These companies have been around for a long time, so there is a long term connection with that brand. This is a power they have behind them that can overcome any other type of advertising brands that others may try to do. Those others may succeed, but these companies know what they are doing and how to do it for longevity.

Advertising brands may seem simple enough, but it doesn’t take much to derail a lot of hard work. If you think of companies that have gotten bad press, you probably think of something you have heard on the news about health or human issues. If someone gets sick in a restaurant, it is often hard for that company to overcome that. Though it is very possible with the help, advertising brands becomes harder when something negative has happened. They say there is no such thing as bad press, but I’m not sure that is true. Some things simply cannot be overcome.