Monday, May 12, 2008

Advertising Strategies

Remember your first job? I can recall mine like it was yesterday. A close friend back in high school had asked me to come assist him at the opening of his father's new restaurant. It was a Chinese take-out and delivery joint. No problem! I was all too happy to lend my buddy a hand. However, upon my arrival, I was greeted by his less than calm father. He nudged me over to a chair and told me "Wait! Many deliveries might come. You deliver." I was dumbfounded. No way! All the sudden I'm the delivery guy? I thought I was just coming by to help move some heavy kitchen supplies or help hang a sign. I never planned on delivering food. Anyway, that's how it all began. Before I knew it, I was racing around town with orders of Chinese food and helping my buddy come up with advertising strategies to increase business.

Do you want to hear the best of the several advertising strategies I came up with? Okay, so maybe I didn't exactly invent the concept, but I did do a great deal of leg work. This is how it goes. You design flyers for the business. On our flyers we advertised the Chinese restaurant, where it was located, the hours of operation, and then several meal specials. This is what advertising strategies are all about. KNOWLEDGE! People need to know what's up if you plan to acquire their business. And then you take it to the next step. This is where I put in all the footwork. You drive all over town, hitting up every neighborhood and apartment complex, and hang or post the flyers on doors. This way when the resident returns home, it's the first thing they'll see. They'll snag it and take a look. The rest is up to them. In our case, if they loved Chinese food, they'd call. And a lot of people did. Now remember, the specials were the KEY ingredient. Everyone wants a deal. Who has the best one? We're all always searching for this.

When it comes to advertising strategies, there are plenty to test and play around with. You can get an idea from the ads you watch daily on television. There are infinite advertising strategies at work in those. Some stick out as awesome and creative, and others make you go HUH? Basically, there is no limit to the advertising game. What do you have up your sleeve?

Advertising Brands

If you don’t have a business degree, there is probably a lot you don’t understand about what is going on when you see a commercial or a name brand. Did you know that there are people out there who have a job that does nothing more than promote the brand of a certain product? Many larger companies have this position, and they know that advertising brands is an essential part of keeping a business new and vital, but at the same time familiar.

When advertising brands, a company is burning their logo or name into your mind. They are constantly trying to get their image in your brain. That way, when you need something, you are more likely to think of them first. If someone has done a good job advertising brands, they have imprinted an image in your mind that remains. If the company makes laundry detergent, they are trying to make sure that the next time you go into a store you will think of their brand first and that is what you are going to buy. If the company makes fast food, they want to be the sign you are looking for along the highway when you are hungry, or the place you drive though late at night when you get the munchies.

Sometimes, advertising brands is easy, and other times it is hard. You may think of brands like McDonalds or Tide first when you think of some of the most successful brands. Others like Pepsi or Coke also come to mind. These companies have been around for a long time, so there is a long term connection with that brand. This is a power they have behind them that can overcome any other type of advertising brands that others may try to do. Those others may succeed, but these companies know what they are doing and how to do it for longevity.

Advertising brands may seem simple enough, but it doesn’t take much to derail a lot of hard work. If you think of companies that have gotten bad press, you probably think of something you have heard on the news about health or human issues. If someone gets sick in a restaurant, it is often hard for that company to overcome that. Though it is very possible with the help, advertising brands becomes harder when something negative has happened. They say there is no such thing as bad press, but I’m not sure that is true. Some things simply cannot be overcome.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Profits By Internet Advertising Agencies

There is an enhancement in advertising industry after the inclusion of Internet as an advertising medium. The information superhighway is serving the advertisers, publishers, users and agencies in a synchronized way. This medium enables the advertisers to draw profits due to its capability of providing high Return on Ad Spend. Though, it is only possible, when the business organization finds a premier Internet advertising agency.

The Internet advertising agency is an advertisement solutions provider that understands the current position of the organization first. Then it takes into account the goals and objectives of the company. Further, it determines the role of advertising required for it. After media expert's analysis, strategies are formulated for promoting the organization and brands. This planning is done in accordance with the budget allocated for it.

The planning is implemented and observed for responses. The feedback is then analysed for inducing improvement and modifications in the plan of action. The Internet advertising agency manages the advertisement campaigns to bring optimum relevant users to the ads. Such promotional activities are tailored to get the right target audience. The use of targeting techniques and online advertising network ensures that advertisers pay for getting useful responses. These techniques are like geo-targeting, capping, user data, connection type, IP tracking etc.

The techniques prove to be the right tool for reaching target audience. It makes the advertiser pay less, advertise more and get good response. These unique benefits enables the marketer to make sensible ad spends. These ad spends are useful in generating good returns due to the efficiency of the advertising system. This is due to the leads that are generated by these ads. Moreover, the ads are also useful in creating an impact over the customers. This influences potential customers in making the buying decision.

The informative nature of these ads is an added advantage. The users or prospective customers search for information about products and services they plan to buy. In such a scenario, where people use Internet for this purpose, it becomes necessary to do Internet advertising. The solutions of an Internet advertising agency would help the marketers and their brands see immense growth.

Strength And Weaknesses Of Internet Advertising Medium

The advertising business has gotten harder and harder in recent years. You see, people just gotten so jaded. It used to be that you could come up with a clever slogan, flashy graphics, and throw in a beautiful model or two and you would be set. Nowadays, however, it is much more difficult than this. The thing is, people have learned to block out the vast majority of the ads that they see. This only makes sense – paying attention to all the commercials would drive people crazy. They would never get anything done.

Nowhere is this more of a problem than in the world of online advertising. A company cannot afford to ignore advertising on the Internet. There are just so many web users nowadays. The market is tremendously large and lucrative. But almost all advertising on the Internet is ignored by users. Companies scratch their heads and sigh, trying to figure out how to make use of Internet advertising, but many of them come up with nothing in the end.

Other companies, however, are much more successful with advertising on the Internet. What separates the winners from the losers? All of the classic things that work in advertising! You see, as always it is simply a matter of keeping up with the culture. Classical advertising strategies such as positioning, brand essence, and niche marketing are just that much more important when advertising on the Internet.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when advertising on the Internet are the strengths and weaknesses of the medium. Although Internet advertisements are easy to ignore – often easier than advertisements in the real world – they do have some advantages that other forms of advertising don't. Although cutting edge strategies like guerrilla marketing don't translate well to the Internet, it is much easier to get ad saturation. Space for advertising on the Internet can be bought very cheaply. Web banner displays and mass emailing cost almost nothing.

Because of the strengths and weaknesses, it is easy to come up with the correct strategy for advertising on the Internet. A company should take advantage of the fact that there are so many opportunities to reach potential customers, and come up with a diverse advertising strategy. They should maximize hits to websites offering to sell whatever product they market. They should place references to their product wherever they can. Most of all, advertising on the Internet should incorporate a wide range of different pitches meant to appeal to different possible customers.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Campaigns and Competition In Avertising Through Internet

There are many variations of keywords that your prospects may type to find you. The guessing game that you play trying to figure them all out may be totally unnecessary. Most search engines will follow Google's convention when it comes to AdWord related products since they just about wrote the book on relevant search results. Positive keywords is what we will have a look at here.

Here are the examples:

Broad Match: Picture Frame

Phrase Match: "Picture Frame"

Exact Match: [Picture Frame]

Broad Match

The broad match keywords shows your ad when the actual keyword is similar to the one you have chosen. This means that Picture Frame will show for the following:

- picture frame
- large picture Frame
- blue Picture frame
- Picture frame

Notice with the broad match even the misspelled and capitalized variations will be visible. Broad searches are good when your not sure what people are searching for. The downside to this would be higher bid prices as well as lower Click Through Ratios.

Phrase Match

Phrase Match simple means putting double quotes around the keywords. This means that the results must have your exact keywords in them, "Picture Frame." The results are as follows.

- Picture Frame
- "Picture Frame"
- large Picture Frame
- blue Picture Frame

Now these generally have higher Click Through Ratios and lowered Cost Per Click. This search eliminates the synonyms and difference in tense, and order. However as you can see other words can be present.

Exact Match

An exact match is indicated with brackets []. This will give you only the variation that is in the between the braces. [Picture Frame] will give only:

- Picture Frame
- picture Frame
- Picture frame

This therefore makes exact match the most precise.

When setting up your AdWords campaign be sure to keep this in mind. It will save you a lot of time and could save you a lot of money as well. . There have been horror stories of how adwords have cost people lots of money. But with the right preparation and focus it can be extremely rewarding. Make sure also that you check out your competition. They can provide you information that will keep you out of harms way.

Your campaign when you start should always be from the ground up, meaning start with a low cost per click. This way while your testing the effectiveness of your website and your ad your not wasting alot of money. There is always going to be some type of testing period. So be patient and go for what works best. Return On Investment (ROI) makes you consider the money you spend on Pay Per Click versus the money you make in return.

Strategy Anmd Strength In Internet Advertising

The advertising business has gotten harder and harder in recent years. You see, people just gotten so jaded. It used to be that you could come up with a clever slogan, flashy graphics, and throw in a beautiful model or two and you would be set. Nowadays, however, it is much more difficult than this. The thing is, people have learned to block out the vast majority of the ads that they see. This only makes sense – paying attention to all the commercials would drive people crazy. They would never get anything done.

Nowhere is this more of a problem than in the world of online advertising. A company cannot afford to ignore advertising on the Internet. There are just so many web users nowadays. The market is tremendously large and lucrative. But almost all advertising on the Internet is ignored by users. Companies scratch their heads and sigh, trying to figure out how to make use of Internet advertising, but many of them come up with nothing in the end.

Other companies, however, are much more successful with advertising on the Internet. What separates the winners from the losers? All of the classic things that work in advertising! You see, as always it is simply a matter of keeping up with the culture. Classical advertising strategies such as positioning, brand essence, and niche marketing are just that much more important when advertising on the Internet.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when advertising on the Internet are the strengths and weaknesses of the medium. Although Internet advertisements are easy to ignore – often easier than advertisements in the real world – they do have some advantages that other forms of advertising don't. Although cutting edge strategies like guerrilla marketing don't translate well to the Internet, it is much easier to get ad saturation. Space for advertising on the Internet can be bought very cheaply. Web banner displays and mass emailing cost almost nothing.

Because of the strengths and weaknesses, it is easy to come up with the correct strategy for advertising on the Internet. A company should take advantage of the fact that there are so many opportunities to reach potential customers, and come up with a diverse advertising strategy. They should maximize hits to websites offering to sell whatever product they market. They should place references to their product wherever they can. Most of all, advertising on the Internet should incorporate a wide range of different pitches meant to appeal to different possible customers.