Friday, February 29, 2008

Campaigns and Competition In Avertising Through Internet

There are many variations of keywords that your prospects may type to find you. The guessing game that you play trying to figure them all out may be totally unnecessary. Most search engines will follow Google's convention when it comes to AdWord related products since they just about wrote the book on relevant search results. Positive keywords is what we will have a look at here.

Here are the examples:

Broad Match: Picture Frame

Phrase Match: "Picture Frame"

Exact Match: [Picture Frame]

Broad Match

The broad match keywords shows your ad when the actual keyword is similar to the one you have chosen. This means that Picture Frame will show for the following:

- picture frame
- large picture Frame
- blue Picture frame
- Picture frame

Notice with the broad match even the misspelled and capitalized variations will be visible. Broad searches are good when your not sure what people are searching for. The downside to this would be higher bid prices as well as lower Click Through Ratios.

Phrase Match

Phrase Match simple means putting double quotes around the keywords. This means that the results must have your exact keywords in them, "Picture Frame." The results are as follows.

- Picture Frame
- "Picture Frame"
- large Picture Frame
- blue Picture Frame

Now these generally have higher Click Through Ratios and lowered Cost Per Click. This search eliminates the synonyms and difference in tense, and order. However as you can see other words can be present.

Exact Match

An exact match is indicated with brackets []. This will give you only the variation that is in the between the braces. [Picture Frame] will give only:

- Picture Frame
- picture Frame
- Picture frame

This therefore makes exact match the most precise.

When setting up your AdWords campaign be sure to keep this in mind. It will save you a lot of time and could save you a lot of money as well. . There have been horror stories of how adwords have cost people lots of money. But with the right preparation and focus it can be extremely rewarding. Make sure also that you check out your competition. They can provide you information that will keep you out of harms way.

Your campaign when you start should always be from the ground up, meaning start with a low cost per click. This way while your testing the effectiveness of your website and your ad your not wasting alot of money. There is always going to be some type of testing period. So be patient and go for what works best. Return On Investment (ROI) makes you consider the money you spend on Pay Per Click versus the money you make in return.

Strategy Anmd Strength In Internet Advertising

The advertising business has gotten harder and harder in recent years. You see, people just gotten so jaded. It used to be that you could come up with a clever slogan, flashy graphics, and throw in a beautiful model or two and you would be set. Nowadays, however, it is much more difficult than this. The thing is, people have learned to block out the vast majority of the ads that they see. This only makes sense – paying attention to all the commercials would drive people crazy. They would never get anything done.

Nowhere is this more of a problem than in the world of online advertising. A company cannot afford to ignore advertising on the Internet. There are just so many web users nowadays. The market is tremendously large and lucrative. But almost all advertising on the Internet is ignored by users. Companies scratch their heads and sigh, trying to figure out how to make use of Internet advertising, but many of them come up with nothing in the end.

Other companies, however, are much more successful with advertising on the Internet. What separates the winners from the losers? All of the classic things that work in advertising! You see, as always it is simply a matter of keeping up with the culture. Classical advertising strategies such as positioning, brand essence, and niche marketing are just that much more important when advertising on the Internet.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when advertising on the Internet are the strengths and weaknesses of the medium. Although Internet advertisements are easy to ignore – often easier than advertisements in the real world – they do have some advantages that other forms of advertising don't. Although cutting edge strategies like guerrilla marketing don't translate well to the Internet, it is much easier to get ad saturation. Space for advertising on the Internet can be bought very cheaply. Web banner displays and mass emailing cost almost nothing.

Because of the strengths and weaknesses, it is easy to come up with the correct strategy for advertising on the Internet. A company should take advantage of the fact that there are so many opportunities to reach potential customers, and come up with a diverse advertising strategy. They should maximize hits to websites offering to sell whatever product they market. They should place references to their product wherever they can. Most of all, advertising on the Internet should incorporate a wide range of different pitches meant to appeal to different possible customers.